
Creating messages, that hopefully you will appreciate, may also be considered as a form of expression. From time to time, some of them will pop up in this area. Candid feedback and comments are mostly appreciated.

Looking for the #TravelAround series? You can find a dedicated page here.

No news 🙂 Full days with a lot going on not just around the trip.
Packing: DONE! this is a late entry in the post series as I was working on the packing till late
Still decisions, Thanks to fabulous contributions and messages in my facebook page, the topic around what equipment to take is
The screening process of what to take, at least for me is a hard one. I don't want to take
Planning is at least 50% of the fun. Being a planning freak adds to the joy. Trying to think in
9 months ago, I was challenged by Foto-Nature for a photographic expedition to Picos da Europa National park (PENP) in
The images I really enjoy making are usually originated by a preparation work which include scouting and previsualization. Scouting is
simply put, previsualization is what differences taking a picture from making a picture. It is associated with the art process
(PT) Para quem não teve oportunidade de ver a exposição "Ligado ao Mar: Klemens", aqui fica um video com as
Welcome to my photography lair. This site intends to be a tribute to the places that I shoot. Most of them showing

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