Day 19 (2021-Nov-07) – La Guarda ->> Baiona [36 Km, 47 772 steps]
#1milhaodepassos #onemillionstepshike day 19 – A Guarda -》Baiona. The day started with some excitement. This was my first day outside of my home country, and through locations, I barely knew, which brought some inevitable sense of novelty. By 8:30 AM and breakfast already absorbed, I hit the path. A shop sign displayed 5ºC, and as I descended toward the seaside, I could feel the temperature continuing to lower, also helped by the estern wind. The day goes by constantly very close to the ocean. The path that connects the two cities, winds through this beautiful landscape, between the cristaluyn sea water and the granite mountain. Some of the path was covered with rocks, and harder for that reason, but my foot was doing well with no specific complaints. The shoes I’m wearing are now nearly 1000km, significantly woren, which provides detailed feedback about each small rock I step on. I need to practice surestep all day long. I’m not sure which was the actual cause of the exhaustion felt when I reached Baiona, but between the 40+Km day yesterday, not using the sticks during the last 5Km, a less restful night or the added weight today (bought too much stuff yesterday). Baiona is a beautiful city. Being right by the seaside and a lovely colored sunset, it was just begging for a short tour, but I was completeçy busted. I managed to come down to this burger place that was also part of the hotel, grabbed a byte and before 8PM I was already in bed and asleep. Again a great location, right on the path, facing the seaside, a great finding by my parents, who I continue to thank for the fantastic support. #tchauaíócatano
The high mountain at the distance was where the day started

Cove, after cove, beautiful sea and landscapes. After that cape, the path turns right into the Rias Bajas area
Day 20 (2021-Nov-08) – Baiona ->> Redondela [38 Km, 48 790 steps]
#1milhaodepassos #onemillionstepshike day 20 – Baiona -》Chapela. 8AM and I’m back on the street to be blessed by one of the most explendid sunrises that I can remember. The phone pictures don’t nearly come close to the real experience, trust me on that! Helping with all that positive energy, when I got to get my morning coffee in a small shop, the kind ladies that served me, offered me 2 slices of home made cake to go with it. Good people show up everywhere, we just need to open our souls to see them. The morning went by smoothly and fairly quickly, through the alternative path that took me repeatedly to step on the beach sand, leaving me with a laaaarge will to go for a dip.. Weather was fantastic, the temperature around 11ºC, reaching 19ºC by lunch time. Lunch itself, happened during a break on the beaches that precede Vigo, seating down on a bench facing the large walk that follows the beach itself. The path that crosses the lower part of Vigo is ugly and dirty, with the core of their industrial shipyards located in that area. From there till Chapela, was one of the less interesting parts of the path (the original one was going through the mountain, and should provide a very different experience, but again, I opted for going closer to the seaside, and in this part of the route it didn’t work out that well). Climbing all the way till the hotel, the rest of the day was spent on sidewalks, going through small villages. The hotel was located midway to the top of the mountain, with a fantastic view to the sunset over the estuary. Guess who took care of teh logistics?? Yep, Mom and Dad dream team!. Top! Daily routine being over, it is now time to get something to eat at the local restaurant, prepare everything for tomorrow, as well as deal with the logistics of the return from Santiago back home. It ‘s still not clear to me which will be the best option for me. As I come closer and closer to the destination, I now enter the golden hour of this adventure. #tchauaíócatano
Closer to Vigo there are fantastic white sand beaches
Another lunch time with a great view toward the isles
Day 21 (2021-Nov-09) – Chapela ->> Pontevedra [34 Km, 45 065 steps]
#1milhaodepassos #onemillionstepshike day 21 – Chapela -》Pontevedra. The hotel where I slept last night was located midway to the mountain top, and if you remember, the original path was going right on the top. The first challenge is therefore to reach that trail, just as the day starts. The 12ºC temperature contributed for a fast warm up, which was promptly resolved by shedding all the outer layers of clothes. This was the comeback to high and low gains alternance, which demanded a lot more on the legs and back muscles, but it was a lot softer on my feet. After 9Km, I stopped at Redondela for breakfast, only stopping again by the 25Km mark, for a quick relaxation. I then realized I was only 3 Km away for the end of the day, so when an alternative route showed up, I couldn’t resist taking it and adding a few more steps to the day. The extra 2Km, were an excellent investment as the route went through the woods, following a small and crystal waters creak, instead of sidewalks on a busy national road. According to my GPS, I’ve reached 729km and 960.000 steps, so I’m sure I’ll surpass the original 1 million steps goal… Today I need to take care of laundry and because tomorrow will be the longest and hardest day of the whole adventure, I’m opting to have my meal in the room. I’m heading out to a supermarket to shop for dinner, breakfast and day snacks. Going, going, gone…