Welcome to the fourth post on the series! On the previous post, I have covered my checklist for all the stuff that I will be carrying. On this post, I will go over my plan for the typical day on the hike. A day on the hike plan Wake up by 5:00 AM: I want to get started as early…
Category: Journals

#1MillionStepsHike Camiño de Santiago – 3 – Checklist
Welcome to the third post on the series! On the previous post, I have covered the way I have prepared from the logistics, physical and mental perspectives. On this post, I will cover the infamous but most useful checklists I have used. My checklist This is the list of items that I’m putting together to take for the hike. This list…

#1MillionStepsHike Camiño de Santiago – 2 – Preparation
Welcome to the second post on the series! On the previous post, I have covered the hike plan, and some considerations the Autumn hike. On this post, I will cover the preparation for the adventure. The hike preparation DISCLAIMER: This is not, by any chance, a recipe or prescription for your hike preparation. I’m simply sharing how I did it.…

#1MillionStepsHike Camiño de Santiago – 1 – Setting the context
I started writing this post, roughly two years ago. It was then full-blown Autumn 2019. COVID wasn’t yet in the picture. Because of it, I have re-planned this hike 3 times. Currently it is my expectation it will happen during the Fall 2021. Vaccination is at an advanced state and things seem to be a bit more under control on…

TravelAround: Gävle and Sandviken, Sweden (Take II)
Scandinavia is becoming a regular work destination, and I can’t possibly describe how thrilled I am about it. This was my third visit to the country, the second in plain winter, and curiously enough to the same location I have been last year: Sandviken. Last time I had the company of a Swedish colleague that was kind enough to…

TravelAround: North Luanda, Angola
Platform instability has been causing errors, slowness and breaking the layout of some of the pages. I am hunting down the problem but it still persists. My apologies for the inconvenience and bellow-par experience. The series of visits to Angola keeps on going, and trust me, I’m not complaining! This time, after a long preparation, and investigation I…

Caxias, Oeiras, Portugal
A mere 10 km from the city of Lisbon, Caxias is one of the Tagus river beaches, very close to the Atlantic ocean. A small bay, facing South, with two fortresses and small river gauge as the highlights. At the distance, we can see Bugio, the island-lighthouse that marks the union of the ocean and the river. Caxias is quite…

TravelAround: New York, USA (48 hours hop)
New York is one the most emblematic cities (if not the top one) of United States of America. The Big Apple as it became to be known, is alive 24/7 and that is something hard to cope with if you are not used to it. My visit was short, a quick a stopover of 2 nights just to get a…

TravelAround: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Belfast, Ireland has always been one of those youth dream destinations. If you were born in the 70s or the 80s, you are more than certain to have influences from this northern sea country: I lived most of my high school and college with U2 as a soundtrack, while drinking Guinness or Jameson when with friends. Belfast, is the Northern…

TravelAround: Malmö, Sweden
Malmö is the capital city of the Scania district, in the southern part of Sweden. With a population of approximately 300.000 inhabitants, Malmö is the third largest city in Sweden and the fifth of Scandinavia. Once a big industrial area, Malmö struggled with the adaptation to the post-industrialism. The construction of the Øresund Bridge, brought a new life to the region,…